
TO THE PROCESSING OF PERSONAL DATA (in accordance with Federal Law No. 152-FL of July 27, 2006)

I,_______________________, (full name) passport _________,(series, number) issued by ___________, (when and by whom issued), registration address:____________________________________________________________, I give my consent to the processing by Individual Entrepreneur Dmitry Aleksandrovich Yakovlevsky (123007, Moscow, Khoroshevskoe Highway, INN 770470782180, OGRNIP317774600032403) of my personal data relating to the categories of personal data listed below: last name, first name, patronymic; floor; Date and place of birth; type of identity document; identity document details; citizenship; address; contact phone number; email address, place of work, position.  

I agree to the use, storage on electronic media of personal data for the purpose of providing the services specified on the website, as well as for the purpose of informing me about the services by sending emails; providing access to services, information and/or materials contained on the website; registration of website visitors.

This consent is provided by me to take actions with respect to my personal data, including (without limitation) collection, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (updating, changing), use, transfer to third parties for information exchange activities, depersonalization, blocking of personal data, as well as carrying out any other actions provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.  

I am informed that Individual Entrepreneur Dmitry Aleksandrovich Yakovlevsky guarantees the processing of my personal data in accordance with the current legislation of the Russian Federation in both manual and automated ways. This consent is valid until the Operator receives an application from the User to withdraw consent to the processing of personal data.  I confirm that I am aware of the right to with draw my consent by drawing up an appropriate written document, which can be sent by me to the Individual Entrepreneur Dmitry Aleksandrovich Yakovlevsky by email and  

I confirm that I have read the provisions of the Federal Law of July 27, 2006 No. 152-FL "On Personal Data", the rights and obligations in the field of personal data protection have been explained to me.  

I acknowledge that by giving this consent, I am acting of my own free will and in my own best interests.    

"____" ___________ 2024_______________ /_______________/ Signature, Full name